CBC is Biblically Accurate
In a time of false teachers and prophets, the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to be a workman who accurately divided the word of truth (1 Timothy 2:15). In addition, Timothy was exhorted to watch his life and doctrine closely (1 Tim. 4:16). Crossway Bible College will equip students to rightly practice the art and science of Biblical interpretation known as Hermeneutics. Furthermore, we will uphold the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments as our final absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
CBC is Academically Challenging
The Bible instructs us to love God with all of our mind (Matthew 22:37-39). Students will be given tools in order to process information, challenge presuppositions, and develop habits of Biblical interpretation and rigorous study. Our intellect is a God-given asset to be used in full pursuit of the One who created us. Crossway Bible College will prepare Pentellectuals for ministry in the 21st Century.

CBC is Intentionally Hands-on
Ministry, in its very essence, is incarnational. Although many elements of Christian service may be learned through textbooks and observation, hands-on learning provides opportunities to apply that which is being taught. Jesus’ model of ministry will be emphasized throughout the student’s time at Crossway Bible College: Jesus asked His disciples to watch Him do the ministry, Jesus then watched His disciples do the ministry, and finally Jesus turned the ministry over to the disciples.
CBC is purposefully affordable
Although the cost of a traditional Bible College education continues to increase, the size of the average American congregation remains 75 or fewer; oftentimes prohibiting the amount a local church is able to remunerate a pastor. Many Bible Colleges and Christian Universities encourage student loans in order to pay for the educational experience; however, accumulated debt hinders a graduate’s ability to remain ministry focused and impedes a minister’s capacity to go wherever God leads. Crossway Bible College will remain purposefully affordable so that students may graduate debt free and fulfill their God given call.