About Crossway Bible College

Who we are & what we do

Our story

Crossway Bible College humble beginnings.

Crossway Bible College began after our founder, Bishop, Dr. Arthur L Felton Jr., saw the desperate need for the teachings of Christ within the body of Christ and throughout his military travels; as he taught weekly bible studies.  During these studies Dr. Felton, observed how the parishioners lack of knowledge of Jesus Christ and was being spiritually and naturally destroyed.  As the scripture declares in Habakkuk 4:6kjv -“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.  This need burned in Dr. Felton’s heart for more than 10 years, therefore, in September 2021 Crossway Bible College was launched in Greenville, Texas.

Principles of our work

Crossway Bible College principles is what keep us grounded to serve God with dignity and honor.

We are committed to staying F.A.T.

Faithful, Available, and Teaching to better serve our students all across the globe.

We are committed to staying TRUE

Give only the gospel of Jesus Christ to our students that they may grow in the power of the Holy Spirit to serve there communities and to work unto the glory of God.

We are committed to staying FAITHFUL

Making disciples of all nations, fulfilling the call of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Intentionally teaching the gospel of Jesus; and training men and women to be faithful servants of the Lord.

Our experience

We have been teaching and training church members and leaders for over 30 years.  Our training and expertise includes, but not limited to: Altar working, Ushers, ministers of helps, chaplaincy, spiritual moral guidance, pastoring, operating business and launching businesses, financial budgeting, spiritual warfare, and much more.

Pastoring and Leadership - 30 years
Church Planting - 15 years
Church and Business Management - 22 years
Preaching and Teaching - 31 years
Marketing - 15 years

Numbers speak better than words!

Phasellus fermentum pretium eros, ut faucibus velit auctor eget. Vestibulum semper sed magna pretium congue. Fusce eget arcu eget nisi mattis amet at sem. Quisque porttitor bibendum leo ornare pharetra.

Years in business
Industry awards
Top professionals
Projects done
90 +
Scientific articles
Returning customers
40 +